Posted 20 hours ago

Graco Eversure i-Size R129 Highback Booster Car Seat with Safety Surround Side Impact Protection, Lightweight at only 5.1kg. Suitable from Approx. 3.5 to 12 Years (100-150cm), Iron Fashion

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In the UK, legislation states that children under the age of 12 (1.35m tall) need to be in an age-appropriate car seat. If you are still using a stage 0/1 carseat when your child approaches 3.5 years (15-18kg), you will need to look for a safe and comfortable Stage 2 carseat as an alternative, ideally that your child can use until their old enough to travel with a seatbelt alone. EPS energy-absorbing foam: The foam works hard to evenly and effectively distribute impact forces in the event of a collision.

Five-point harness: Easily adjustable with one hand, a five-point harness keeps your child restrained and, in the event of a collision, transfers the force of the crash to the rigid points of the body and into the seat, protecting soft parts of the body. If your kids are growing up, it's time for a child car seat! Read our guide to find out what to look for when you're shopping around. IsoCatch connectors: Convenient IsoCatch connectors ensure the car seat stays securely in place, connected to your car’s ISOFIX points. div>

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